December 5th Christmas Party Photos and Thanks

 The December 5th Norco Christmas Party went off without a hitch – lots of Santa presents  and delicious food. See pictures below.   Photo credits go to John Mandracchia and Ed Bonnell extended family! Norco thanks Ed Bonnell for leading the team of volunteers to pull together this years party, decorations, …

Youth Pheasant Hunt – Another Successful Year and Many Thanks

The Youth Pheasant Committee gives a BIG shout out the all the NORCO members that volunteered to make the Youth Pheasant program a great success again! During a year that was nearly impossible to find  adequate ammunition quantities for the youth to train with at the trap range, several members …

 Norco Basic Hunter Education Class

 Norco Basic Hunter Education Class dates are as follows: 4-day course (Mon -Wed – Sat – Mon)Mon, Aug 16: 6pm-8:45pmWed, Aug 18: 6pm-8:45pmSat, Aug 21: 8am-4pmMon, Aug 23: 6pm-8:45pm To register through MA DFW,  call (508) 389-7820, press zero (0) to reach an attendant More details are here: