Norco 2023 Youth Pheasant Program

Many thanks for the volunteers throughout August and September to make the 2023 program memorable and successful. 16 youth participants learned how to handle a shotgun with confidence and accuracy many mentors took their youth out with their experienced hunting dog to find the >40 pheasant and chukkar almost everyone …

Volunteers Erected the New Archery Range Elevated Tree Stand

Norco Archery Committee Chair Britta Carlson thanks the volunteers who came out on May 21 to setup the elevated tree stand the ground level targets.  Tree stand training will be held on June 10th.   Volunteers included Kelly Dalbec (snapped the pictures),  (l-r) Britta’s dog Zelda, Barry Hines, Kevin Hutchins, Britta …

Norco Sept 24th BBQ Tickets and Call for Volunteers

Looking for event volunteers to help with prep, cook, serve, cleanup Earn your 2023 work credit hours.  Buy a ticket and enjoy a great meal too.  Dinner is open to members, guests, and the public at large.  Lots of leftovers every year.   Contact if interested in volunteering.