Norco Hosted Hunter Ed Program – a few pictures from a class student

The MA Wildlife Basic Hunter Class is excellent.  Norco is hosting a class this June and everyone is learning a lot including firearms, archery, ethics, ecosystems and sustainability, and safety.  Following are a few pictures of the class. Instructors are shown teaching small groups for trapping, tracking a deer, safely …

NWTF Recently Celebrated National Pollinator Week

National Wild Turkey Federation celebrates National Pollinator Week National Pollinator Week: June 19 – 25, 2017 EDGEFIELD, S.C. — The National Wild Turkey Federation works throughout the year to improve habitat not only for wild turkeys but also for some of our upland habitat’s most important visitors — pollinators. Bees, birds and butterflies are …

NWTF Dinner & Dance, Friday August 25th, Mt. Wachusett

National Wildlife Turkey Federation is featuring a Dinner and Dance on August 25th, 6.30-11.30PM at Mt Wachusett “Feathers and Lace” Country Prom , wear your boots and cowboy hat Doors open at 6.30 Dinner, 7PM, Cash Bar $60 person / $100 Couple Live Music by Tequila Bonfire Tickets at …

Norco Table at Annual Central MA NWTF Banquet June 3, 2017

Norco is organizing a group table for the upcoming Central MA National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) Banquet, Saturday June 3, 2017. Anyone interesting in going, email  Cost per ticket is $68 which includes dinner, one year NWTF membership, some raffle tickets, and a gift card to sporting store.   This …