Dec 8th Christmas Party – volunteers and planning

Planning ahead for the Sunday December 8th Norco Family Christmas Party.  It runs from 2pm-5pm. Bring a pot-lunch dish/dessert to pass. Festivities include a visit from Santa for the young ones and receiving a gift; raffle table for member and community business donated items (suggested value from $10-$50), and a …

June Steakout – Perfect Weather, Perfect Meal

Thanks to Rudy Sax for his 36th consecutive year grilling steak to your preference for us hungry Norco members. We sold over 50 tickets for the yearly event. We also thank Tom MacIntosh, Tomas Maestas, Dennis Nawn, Ed Soule, Len Pukaite, and Britta Carlson for volunteering to setup, serve, and …

Norco May 11th Spring Cleanup Planning

May 11th is an all-hands-on-deck spring cleanup day, running from 8AM to 2PM. Tasks include rifle/pistol range repair, all outdoor range and grounds cleanup. Inside clubhouse cleaning, scrubbing, and polishing.  Some additional tasks for light carpentry work and painting will be done. We need everyone to bring your own landscaping …