Home Landing Page Last Updated: Dec 5th, 2024:
Please visit the Calendar for the Latest Status of 2024 Specific Events and Activities. Questions can be emailed to webmaster@norco.club
New applicants for membership should visit these parts of the Norco website for applications, waivers, and orientation. Completed applications need to be presented by the new member at the monthly members meeting – don’t mail these in with a check:
- https://www.norco.club/about-us/join-norco/
- https://www.norco.club/about-us/join-norco/associate_membership_application/
- https://www.norco.club/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Associate-Application-2023-wma.pdf
- https://www.norco.club/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Norco-Release-Waiver-.pdf
- https://www.norco.club/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/New-Member-quick-orientation-1-2-2023.pdf
Norco Clubhouse Bar is open every Thursday , 6pm-11pm. Full Members (Associate, Regular, Life, Honorary) and their guests. Rentals RSVPs can be made anytime through calling the club or through the online forms.
Trap and Skeet open on Mondays and Thursdays 6-9PM and Saturdays, 1pm – 4pm . These ranges are open to the public during these hours, for members and non-members. Bring your own firearm and ammo. There are no firearm rentals and no ammo for sale.
Rifle & Pistol ranges are open to members only and their guests; see Events calendar for specific day/time to be closed for class or program. These ranges are restricted to members and their accompanied guests; not open to the public. Bring your own targets, follow all the posted rules. Clean up what you brought in and repair target hangers with supplies in the rifle range garden sheds in the rifle range pavilion.
Archery Target range and 3D range are seasonal – April-October.
Hand-throwing clays for trap & skeet open; except when the trap&skeet houses are running on Mon & Thur 6-9PM and Sat 1-4PM . These hand-throwing days/times are restricted to members and their accompanied guests
Pond Fishing is open to members and their accompanied guests, dusk to dawn 7 days a week. Next fish stocking is April 2025 and May 2025. Pond is usually fished out by mid/late June.

Norco Sportsman’s Club is a members-only organization for like-minded sportsmen to advance the protection, propagation and restoration of forest, fish and game for the benefit of hunting and fishing; as well as promote safety and proficiency in archery and the use of sporting firearms.
The Norco Sportsman’s Club is located at 91 Houghton Road, Princeton, MA, 01541 , Phone (978) 464-5243
The Club House is open – Thursday evenings (open at 6 PM)
The Rifle/Pistol Ranges are open Monday-Saturday 9 AM to sunset and Sunday 12 Noon to sunset; closed on Saturdays during hunting season
The Trap and Skeet range operates Monday and Thursday 6PM-9PM and Saturday 1PM-4PM all other hours range is usable with personal clay throwers
The Archery Ranges are seasonal, April-October, sunrise to sunset.
The club:
- consists of 350 acres of hardwood and pine forest, with open fields, a trout stream and swampland
- permits deer hunting, turkey hunting, and stocked pheasant hunting
- offers outdoor ranges: rifle range, pistol range, trap & skeet range, archery range, and archery 3D shooting course
- trap & skeet range is open to the public Monday and Thursday 6PM-9PM and Saturday 1PM-4PM
- offers a stocked trout pond
- offers programs through-out the year for sport, education, and member social events – many are open to the public ; see our calendar of events
- has a two story clubhouse: the 1st floor has a bar and meeting space; the 2nd floor has a 75 person meeting and function room with a professionally equipped kitchen
- clubhouse grounds includes parking for 100 cars, outdoor 10 x 30 covered barbecue pit, an open fireplace/grill, and half-acre of level manicured lawn
- clubhouse and clubhouse grounds can be rented for private functions – including education and training programs, celebrations, and like-minded organizations/community programs. Clubhouse has commercial kitchen, WiFi, and full service bar.
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